
not point at all

The scientist turns next to “a point commonly so called, that is, the mark of a full-stop, or period.” Whether printed or made with a pen, the tiny point, circle or dot of the period turns out to be disfigured, ragged, deformed. Under the lens, this microdot looks as though it’s been made with a burnt stick on an uneven floor.

—Brian Dillon, “What Pitiful Bungling Scribbles and Scrawls,” Affinities: On Art and Fascination (New York Review of Books, 2023)


metaphoric power

The metaphor draws its strength from ever more disparate elements being joined until the difference becomes too great and at which point the power of the metaphor dissipates. Of course the tolerance for disparity depends on the particular reader.


inflated till it pops

His reviews were inflated blurbs, to the point that reading to the end of one you began to wince, sure it was about to burst in your face.


violent forgetting

I notice where a page has been torn out of my notebook and this feels like a violent forgetting.


limited love

They claim to love poetry but can’t name more than a handful of poems beyond their own.


markson notes

Of the many languages that arose among humankind over the centuries, most never developed a written form.

It’s been estimated that Sappho wrote about 10,000 lines of poetry, but only 600 lines or so remain, many just single words on papyri fragments. Whole scrolls of Sappho’s poetry were lost to the fire that destroyed the library at Alexandria in 48 BCE.

“View du Boulevard du Temple” (1838) by Louis Daguerre is thought to be the first photograph wherein a living person is present. A small dark figure on the street in the early morning appears to be getting his boots polished. The person doing the polishing is obscured by the blur of the motions he was making during the long exposure, and by his lower station in life.


counter productive

Your hype is not helping your art.


be oblique

The poetic line may run straight across the page and be oblique at the same time.