
original or aboriginal

The poet too often grasps for the original, when s/he should be attempting to reach back into the mind’s aboriginal state.


Anna Dabosh said...

Is it safe to say this theme is along the lines of "First thought, Best Thought"? Or the subconcious remembers in it's pristine state what the concious has muddied?
I think it could be and so I agree.


JforJames said...

Or one could say that the problem lies in 'straining toward' Pound's dictum of "Make it new", rather than 'training one's mind toward' a truer source of poetry which is really quite old, old brain, if you will.

Anna Dabosh said...

..."'straining toward' Pound's dictum of "Make it new", rather than 'training one's mind toward' a truer source of poetry"...

I see. That is an interesting way to lend thinking. I will try to look for examples of this. I wonder if I will know if I have found it! The searching will be quite enjoyable if nothing else.
