While excavating archaeological sites in Egypt, some of the few remaining fragments of Sappho’s poetry we have were discovered as stuffing inside a mummified crocodile. Isn’t that an apt analogy for where all poems come from, arising by chance from an obscure animal darkness?
Is this serious? Gimme a source. Yes. Yes! YES! Tell me where this story is printed! It's too cool!
And Sappho rocks my world, crocs or no.
I hope it's not apocryphal. Now that you've called me on the facts, scrounging around the web, I see some references to literary papyri found inside mummified crocs in dumps uncovered by Grenfell and Hunt in a 1895 archaeological expedition...
A NYTimes report of June 1914 says a poem by Sappho was found among the papyri excavated by Grenfell and Hunt.
Here's a account of the Oxyrhynchus find...
"By the end of the first season, Grenfell and Hunt had discovered an entire library of lost classics, including a tattered verse by Sappho in which she prays for her brother's safe return - a poem not seen by human eyes since the fall of Rome."
But was the Sappho extracted from a croc? Several reports repeat the story...
but no definitive sources for Sappho being found inside a mummified crocodile.
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